Understanding the depth of the question will answer the real point: do I spend money, or do I save money today? A need, according to Merriam-Webster, is a "Necessary duty." (Definition of Need, 2023). Merriam-Webster defines want accordingly: "To have a strong desire for" (Definition of Want, 2023).
Diving in, the question to me, says do I need to have this to ensure one of the three simple items I need to survive are met. If you have done this, the money you make should be spent immediately on the bullet points from the soft question. Ensure rent and utilities are paid. Then, ensure food is on the table. Essential utilities are items necessary to do things, such as lights, gas, water, etc.
Once these three things are taken care of, you have a roof, utilities, and food to meet all basic needs—the most responsible actions as an adult. Residual funds (money left over after those three bullets) can be spent on the wants or saved for future wants possible.